
No matter what you choose to study, you’ll have access to internships, research, and global learning experiences. You'll connect with amazing professors who will encourage you to do things you didn't think were possible.  And you will leave here in four years being ready for anything.

Three Schools / One College

Academics at Concordia

Our academics are designed to develop your critical and creative thinking skills while giving you a broad perspective on the world and its people. Earn your degree at a place that will give you the tools to get real-life experiences and prepare for life after graduation. 

"My liberal arts education has given me a well-rounded background. Concordia taught me how to be a better communicator, critical thinker, and compassionate human being – all of which I work hard to bring out in my job every day."
Annika Tureson ’19

Our Faculty

The faculty at Concordia are dedicated to helping students reach their full potential and motivating them to learn and engage with the world around them.

State of the Art

Modern Science

Designed for "learning science by doing science," the Integrated Science Center features 19 teaching labs, $1 million in new lab equipment, 16 classrooms, and plenty of study spaces.


5 Min Read

Embracing Flexibility

With an entrepreneurial mindset, Sophia Walton ’26 redefines the pathway toward achieving her career goals.

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3 Min Read

From Big Sky With Big Dreams

Montana native Emma Doty ’27 describes the possibilities and supportive network that Concordia provides to students.

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